Salon's Mulholland Drive dissection reminds me of Kafka's The Trial. I read that in a seminar my freshman year of college. I'm glad I read it, if only so that I can knowledgably call situations …
Leonard: Happy Wodehouse anniversary. I must mention that Leonard, with his characteristic fiendish cleverness, used a plunger to unclog my toilet the other day. The nonstandard drainpipe shape didn't daunt him. Huzzah!
Just saw and performed in the Squelch! Comedy Night at Blake's on Telegraph. That last sentence had an unusual number of capitalizations, I must say. Al Madrigal, the second banana, was much funnier than Mickey …
Today in my life. An hour and a half of handball (making up absences) rather than just half an hour, a Russian test on which I probably got some type of B, a good history …
Puzzles. This is the first time in ages and ages that I'm hearing Weekend Edition Sunday for any length of time, and therefore the first time in ages and ages that I'm hearing the Sunday …
Latin translations, probably bad. "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur (Anything said in Latin sounds profound.)" "Cogito Ergo Doleo." (I think therefore I am depressed.) Thursday night. So Katie came over, Katie of Reed College …
Wednesday. Finished The Name of the Rose. I stayed up until something like 1 am on Wednesday morning finishing The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. This is a book that Seth and Leonard …
"Man is born free..." Can you find the Rousseau reference in this picture? Immaterial! I was looking through my stuff this morning for various reasons. I have quite a few books and some good CDs. …
More smorgasbord of Sumana - 15 Oct 2001 More smorgasbord of Sumana Silly ads. "'Never again?' This is not the Treaty of Versailles." Comedy, schmomedy. There will be a Comedy Night on Tuesday, October 23, …