Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder

26 Jul 2020, 16:54 p.m.

Some CON.TXT Links

I attended the fan convention CON.TXT yesterday and found or shared some interesting links on many varied topics!

My own stuff: my vid "Pipeline" about sexism in the tech industry, and my technothriller book review accompanied by a GitLab software repository.

On law, taxes and finance: a mention of Confessions of a Tax Collector: One Man's Tour of Duty Inside the IRS by Richard Yancey, the Moon Treaty, the MyPayrollHR incident and the danger of how direct deposit works in the US, this lovely quiet short romantic story that is 90% about people working out land law, the charter of the United Federation of Planets, the textbook Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime (cheaper in ebook), Confessions of a Radical Tax Protestor: An Inside Expose of the Tax Resistance Movement by Larry R. Williams, "Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Working of Our World" by Daniel Davies (which I loved), the Tara Holloway mystery/romance series by Diane Kelly such as Death, Taxes, and a Skinny No-Whip Latte, where the main character is an IRS agent who detects tax fraud (thanks to Julia Rios for telling me about these!), the actuarial scifi contest (example, example), ways overseas drug manufacturers try to dupe the FDA, an old Daniel Davies piece about accidentally teaching people how to launder money, a fanfic about someone who learns accounting in prison, and a fanfic about Julian Bashir in court.

On fiction and media in general: Leonard's rewrite of the end of Battlestar Galactica, a bunch of odd US TV shows from the late 20th century, a primer for The Untamed (a 50-episode Chinese drama TV show that many fans are currently enjoying), Kishōtenketsu (an East Asian narrative structure to understand), and an unofficial Google Document listing fandom-themed conventions that have gone virtual for 2020-2021.

Some lovely new or new-to-me fanvids: bironic's new sports vid "Game On", Trelkez's The Good Place vid "Grand Hotel", and cosmic_llin's "Lullabye" about the children of the NCC-1701-D.

Tools: the social and medical models of disability; the URL importer within Archive Of Our Own, which helps you make AO3 entries for (for example) vids you'd already posted on Dreamwidth, so it's easier for con-runners to find them; Library Carpentry, which "focuses on building software and data skills within library and information-related communities. Our goal is to empower people in these roles to use software and data in their own work and to become advocates for and train others in efficient, effective and reproducible data and software practices."