Recently I've helped a few folks as they sought professional help from lawyers, or mental health professionals such as psychiatrists or therapists. Here are a few tips; they're more relevant in the United States but …
My dear friend Mel Chua is, as of this year, Dr. Mel Chua, as they have now deposited the doctoral dissertation that they successfully defended several years ago. Yay Dr. Chua!!!There's been a bit of …
Years ago, I pitched a story to a publication and they didn't take it, but I think the synopsis itself might interest some of y'all, so here it is with a few added links. (I …
I often exercise with friends via videocall, where we all follow along with the same online video. Recently a friend asked for recommendations of free YouTube videos for beginners. Here's what I said:This New York …
I met David Lord at this year's PyCon, talking about maintainer burnout and how to make projects more resilient. Since then, we've been chatting regularly to help us develop material for our respective writing projects. …
So, some US states have "Romeo and Juliet laws" involving sexual contact among minors, but THIS BLOG ENTRY IS NOT ABOUT THAT, it is about the fact that I started thinking that a law nicknamed …
I tag blog posts rather erratically, and keep meaning to go back and systematically taxonomize my thousands of past posts. One thing that my new blogging platform includes is another way to highlight particular posts …
A few things I recently wrote in other places, in response to questions and claims by others, and would like to preserve and share here.In-person eventsIn response to a claim about why "online-only conferences won’t …
Someone in a group I'm in just asked others' opinions on working in higher education. I said:In big institutions -- such as higher education and government and companies that have over, say, 300 employees -- …
I follow a few main principles to reduce my risk of catching COVID-19:
In this post, I detail those principles as well as my specific protocols (masking, ventilation, self-testing, and so on), including links to examples and product vendors.