Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


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19 May 2024, 14:40 p.m.

Links and References For My PyCon US Keynote

Today I’m giving the closing keynote address at PyCon US 2024, sharing “Untold stories from six years working on Python packaging.”I aim to post a fuller transcript with slides within the next several weeks. But, …

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21 Aug 2023, 11:35 a.m.

User Support, Equanimity, And Potential Cross-Project Tools and Practices in Open Source

I met David Lord at this year's PyCon, talking about maintainer burnout and how to make projects more resilient. Since then, we've been chatting regularly to help us develop material for our respective writing projects. …

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12 Jun 2023, 14:05 p.m.

Argument Clinic Video Plus Other Miscellany

It's been a busy time. I travelled a bunch in April and May, and June is a respite before I do more travel in July, including family stuff plus Readercon mid-month. I'm trying to get …

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09 May 2023, 13:00 p.m.

Maintainer Burnout: PyCon US 2023 Followup

At PyCon US 2023, David Lord facilitated an open space discussion of "maintainer burnout, how to survive it, and maybe how to prevent it." Here are some notes (incorporating his; thanks, David!), my analysis, and …

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13 Apr 2023, 9:30 a.m.

Your First PyCon, But Not Your First Convention

Someone I know just decided to come to this year's PyCon US in person and asked me:It's my first PyCon. Are there any tricks or landmines I should know about? I assume that the standard …

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