Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Outline and Links for "How To Get A Project Unstuck" LCA Talk
Here's a brief outline, and relevant links, for the talk I'm about to give at Linux.Conf.Au: "How To Get A Project Unstuck -- And Fixing The Skill Gaps That Got Us Here". I am not presenting any slides.
My consultancy is Changeset Consulting.
Mailman (What was new in GNU Mailman 3.0, announcement of the Mailman 3.0 release)
Video, transcript, and slides for my PyOhio talk on applying for grants to fund open source
"Problems and Strategies in Financing Voluntary Free Software Projects" by Benjamin Mako Hill
Autoconf (Case study: rejuvenating Autoconf; also see how my upcoming book is helping Autoconf's developers decide what to do next)
Pipenv (Pipenv case study)
The credibility and change sequence
This is the outline of my forthcoming book. My sampler ebook of Getting Unstuck: Advice For Open Source Projects, available for free download once you subscribe to my 1-10 times per year newsletter, includes that full outline. The basics:
I may also refer here to "Software in Person", my article on how to make the most of synchronous developer events.
Why maintainers usually don't have these skills
Where maintainers come from, what we value and grow, and a lack of tools and practices to help learn and teach these skills.
Let's change that
Existing initiatives or resources to improve and teach these skills:
Thanks for watching and listening. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, so please contact me to let me know!
Edited Feb 5th to add: video is now up! And thanks to Nick Murphy, R. Fureigh, and Keffy R. M. Kehrli for being test audiences!
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