Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Writing And Conversing Elsewhere
Sometimes I write about books I've been reading on my Dreamwidth blog. For instance, I've been trying to read everything that Zen Cho has published. As she self-describes,
'Almost all my published stories can be summarised as "Asian girl/woman meets magical creature, sasses and/or fights them"'
And I've made a few front-page posts to MetaFilter recently. Most entertainingly in a wholesome way, I recommend a few short stories about robots and artificial intelligence, I particularly recommend a robot-related story by Holli Mintzer called "Legal Salvage", and I recommend a few very short tales about humans and nonhumans trying to understand each other. Less wholesomely, I accidentally nerd-sniped the site by linking to a linguist discussing how "you guys" works and how we might know whether it is gender-neutral, thus provoking a 230-comment (so far) discussion thread.
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