Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Existence and Uniqueness (with apologies to Seth)
Hi, reader. I wrote this in 2008 and it's now more than five years old. So it may be very out of date; the world, and I, have changed a lot since I wrote it! I'm keeping this up for historical archive purposes, but the me of today may 100% disagree with what I said then. I rarely edit posts after publishing them, but if I do, I usually leave a note in italics to mark the edit and the reason. If this post is particularly offensive or breaches someone's privacy, please contact me.
Trying to think of unique things I've done since the last time I catalogued them. But some of the interesting things about me aren't so much things I've done as things that happened to me or my family. Yesterday's conversation with Stuart and Molly gave me a good euphemism for those oddball secrets and trivia: "my land in Colorado."
Per the rules of the game, I should ask my readers whether any of you have done the things I thought were unique within my circle, and then come up with a replacement for any duplicates. Go at it.
And as long as I'm doing blog memes: Rachel, a response to this one is coming soon.
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