Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


12 Mar 2021, 15:25 p.m.

MozFest 2021 Followup: How To Get A Project Unstuck

This one-hour discussion session covered some of the same material as my Linux.Conf.Au 2021 lecture, on "How To Get A Project Unstuck -- And Fixing The Skill Gaps That Got Us Here" (outline and links; …

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24 Jan 2021, 17:21 p.m.

Outline and Links for "How To Get A Project Unstuck" LCA Talk

Here's a brief outline, and relevant links, for the talk I'm about to give at Linux.Conf.Au: "How To Get A Project Unstuck -- And Fixing The Skill Gaps That Got Us Here". I am not …

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01 Jan 2021, 15:50 p.m.

New Free Ebook Sampler from "Getting Unstuck: Advice for Open Source Projects"

I've written and released a sampler from my upcoming book on rejuvenating open source projects: Getting Unstuck: Advice for Open Source Projects. It's like a lengthy trailer in text form. You can get this 38-page …

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02 Dec 2020, 16:24 p.m.

Getting Autoconf Unstuck

For most of this year, Zack Weinberg and I have been working on a pretty ambitious project: to make a fresh release of GNU Autoconf, a crucial free and open source build tool that hadn't …

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28 Oct 2020, 17:29 p.m.

Short Story Recommendations, And Hobby Project Lessons

Recommending short fiction is important for discovery, and to help us talk about things we like (and not just criticize things we don't). Recently I've been posting to MetaFilter each day to recommend short stories, …

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30 Sep 2020, 12:24 p.m.

Changes Coming To Pip In October 2020

People who deal with Python: Changes are coming to pip, Python's package installation tool, in October 2020. Please share this migration guide and our video with your circles. SHORT VERSION: I'm working on improving the …

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08 Sep 2020, 22:13 p.m.

Breaking Release Bottlenecks -- What Changeset Can Do

I did some volunteer work earlier this year, helping rejuvenate pipenv (a command-line tool that some people use to help handle Python packages they make and use). Here's what I did, how long it took, …

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28 Aug 2020, 16:20 p.m.

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work, and Career Thoughts

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work When I tell people about grants they could get to help fund work on open source software projects, sometimes they are surprised because they didn't know such …

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04 Nov 2019, 12:56 p.m.

Art of Python Seeking Organizers for 2020

In May, I chaired "The Art of Python", a festival of arts about programming that took place at PyCon North America. People presented short plays, monologues, songs, and a video remix that explored how it …

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22 Apr 2019, 16:41 p.m.

Rabbit Hole Interview(s)

Recently, the Rabbit Hole developers' podcast interviewed me; we discussed open source sustainability, maintainership, sensationalism among bards who sang the Odyssey, how PyPI is like Wikipedia, and what we think is paranoid. The interview continued …

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