I'm looking forward to reading Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 by Sarah Schulman for the same reason I love Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the …
When I give a keynote address at a conference, I sometimes commission* and post a transcript or a near-transcript afterwards (example). And sometimes I do this for non-keynote speeches (example); this year I decided to …
In May and June I'll perform some comedy and I'll speak on open source management and investment! WisCon is going to be online this year, and on Saturday, May 29th, 7pm CDT/8pm EDT, I'll serve …
I meant to mention here that some months ago? I reread Connie Willis's Doomsday Book. So, I have a strong memory of having read Doomsday Book previously, back when I lived in Berkeley. In particular …
Several months ago I read Laurie J. Marks's Elemental Logic fantasy quartet and liked it a lot. Today, Fire Logic, the first book in the series, is on sale for $1.99 on Kobo as an …
As I just mentioned in my email newsletter: Today! I'll chat on Tidelift's Free as in Fridays livestream, May 7th at 4pm EDT/20:00 UTC, in a one-hour live conversation about open source maintainership and my …
In late March I spoke in the GitHub Office of the CTO Speaker Series (online): "What Would Open Source Look Like If It Were Healthy?" When I think about open source sustainability, I think about …
In my dream last night, I was in an in-person work meeting. And then, halfway through, we started talking about how badly we were coping with the strains of the pandemic. After each person spoke, …
The Devil Comes Courting by Courtney Milan -- about people in 1870 falling in love while figuring out how to encode Chinese characters for transmission on the first worldwide telegraphic network. It's like a "Landsailor" …
I don't have much to say about this but this piece ("safe spaces and competing access needs") and this discussion ("Safe" isn't a monolith.) have been rolling around in my head a lot, and I …