Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder


09 Aug 2015, 22:52 p.m.

How To Improve Bus Factor In Your Open Source Project

Someone in one of my communities was wondering whether we ought to build a new automated tool to give little tasks to newcomers and thus help them turn into future maintainers. I have edited my …

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05 Mar 2015, 15:16 p.m.

The Triumph Of Outreachy

  Right now, y'all can apply to the Free and Open Source Software Outreachy internships, formerly OPW -- the deadline is March 24th. Copy the flyer below to spread the word! And March 24th is …

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19 Dec 2014, 12:53 p.m.

Join Me In Donating to Stumptown Syndicate and Open Source Bridge

I'm donating up to $15,000 to the Stumptown Syndicate -- depending on how much you are willing to match by December 29th Updated: 31st at 1:30pm Pacific Time. Please join me by donating today and …

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08 Oct 2014, 8:01 a.m.

How I made a tidepool: Implementing the Friendly Space Policy for Wikimedia Foundation technical events

Back when I worked at the Wikimedia Foundation, I used the Ada Initiative's anti-harassment policy as a template and turned it into the Friendly Space Policy covering tech events run by WMF. I offer you …

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26 Sep 2014, 19:17 p.m.

The Continuing Adventures (Transitioning From Intern To Volunteer)

By now dozens of women have stepped into open source via Outreach Program for Women, a paid internship program administered by the GNOME Foundation. I recently asked several of them whether they had been able …

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15 Sep 2014, 8:57 a.m.

The next Tor, role models, and criticism: the future I want

I'm writing these words while I ride the New York City subway. I love the subway because my fellow riders look like the world. I'm rarely the only woman and I'm never the only nonwhite …

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12 Sep 2014, 11:54 a.m.

I'm Leaving My Job At The Wikimedia Foundation

(Music for this entry: "You Can't Be Too Careful" by Moxy Früvous; "Level Up" by Vienna Teng; "Do It Anyway" by Ben Folds Five; "Teenagers, Kick Our Butts" by Dar Williams.) I've regretfully decided to …

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13 Aug 2014, 15:48 p.m.

Case Study of a Good Internship

I'm currently a mentor for Frances Hocutt's internship in which she evaluates, documents, and improves client libraries for the MediaWiki web API. She'll be finishing up this month. I wanted to share some things we've …

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30 Jul 2014, 11:47 a.m.

Here Are Some Grants You Could Apply For

When I tell people about grants they could get to help them work on open source/open culture stuff, sometimes they are surprised because they didn't know such grants existed. Here are some of them! Grants …

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21 Jul 2014, 8:56 a.m.

The Art Of Writing In The Dark

Wordsworth tells us that his greatest inspirations had a way of coming to him in the night, and that he had to teach himself to write in the dark that he might not lose them. …

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