Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder

Open Source and Free Culture

03 Oct 2018, 17:16 p.m.

Tidelift Is Paying Maintainers And, Potentially, Fixing the Economics of an Industry

As the founder of Changeset Consulting, I keep my eye on consultancies and services in and near my niche, open source leadership, maintainership, and sustainability.* And I've known Luis Villa for years and got to …

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03 Oct 2018, 15:13 p.m.

A Reasonably Fast Way To Construct A Writing Portfolio

Someone in my network wanted guidance in building a professional (often software-related) writing portfolio for the first time -- they want to give other people a portfolio of work they've already done, so that those …

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18 Jul 2018, 18:58 p.m. and the Infrastructure of Hospitality

So many times in my life in open source tools and platforms, I've run into the following problem: We want to make a breaking change/prioritize work/get feedback. Let's check with our downstreams. How do we …

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12 Apr 2018, 10:29 a.m.

On Online Advice

I'll be speaking on a panel, "Social Media in Theory and Praxis: What is at Stake Now?" at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, in New York, NY, on Wednesday, April 18, …

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11 Apr 2018, 22:17 p.m.

My LWN Story Summarizing PyPI's Overhaul

This coming Monday, April 16th, we plan to flip the switch on the new PyPI and redirect web browser requests and pip install requests so the codebase serving them is Warehouse (which is in …

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06 Feb 2018, 8:48 a.m.

The Ambition Taboo As Dark Matter

PyCon just rejected my talk submission,* so I'll try to finish and post this draft that I've been tapping at for ages. My current half-baked theory is that programmers who want any public recognition from …

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26 Jan 2018, 17:28 p.m.

Preserving Threading In Google Group or Mailman Mailing List Replies with Thunderbird

Have you ever wanted to reply to a mailing list post that wasn't in your inbox? I had that problem yesterday; here's how I fixed it. Context: I'm the project manager for Warehouse, the software …

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05 Jan 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Software Freedom Conservancy Fundraiser

I am a supporter of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a nonprofit that helps free and open source software projects. They help programmers give away their work for free. I wrote a quick neighbor-friendly introduction to …

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02 Jan 2018, 9:46 a.m.

2017 Sumana In Review

Four years ago, during my first batch at the Recurse Center, every day I'd write in a little notebook on the subway on my way home, jotting down a few bullet points about what I …

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17 Dec 2017, 10:02 a.m.

Bill 1696 and Learning Old Systems

A very amended version of Councilmember Vacca's algorithmic transparency bill has now passed the City Council and is headed for the Mayor's desk to sign.* This follows the October 16th hearing (which was moved to …

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