Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
I love listening to and singing a lot of labor and folk songs. Like, the highlight of my week a little while back was when a friend got out his guitar and learned to play …
I made phone calls and I canvassed in person for some candidates and a ballot measure. Leonard and I gave money to some candidates and I successfully encouraged a friend to do the same. On …
I've heard fleece-lined tights could be a game-changer regarding wearing skirts and dresses when it's cold. A friend recommended the Homma brand in particular, since they're footless and since (if you turn them inside out) …
A few miscellaneous thoughts: I chose a driving school and have now had a few lessons. I'm already far better at appropriate mirror and blind spot checks, turns, stop sign stops, staying in my lane, …
Jason Owen and I will co-present "Code Review, Forwards and Back" at RubyConf in Los Angeles, November 13-15 2018. We'll update and slightly lengthen the version we performed at PyGotham last year. If you'll …
The other day I went on a little bike ride in my neighborhood, for exercise and to check mail at my post office box. I walked part of the way because sometimes I just didn't …
When I feel despondent about my country and my world, a few things that help or have helped: Rebecca Solnit's nonfiction book Hope in the Dark (which I still have not finished) which makes the …
I am proud of myself for some recent debugging I've done on and with codebases and tools that I hadn't worked on before. A few weeks ago, I was sitting next to a friend who …
Here's something I'm really embarrassed to write, but want to mark, and maybe it'll help someone. I've cut way down on drinking alcohol and am very glad I have done so. Quick context: when I …
In October I visited Cleveland, Ohio for a long weekend and had a really lovely time. I'm looking forward to visiting Cleveland again for PyCon North America 2018, or even before that. I have talked …