Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
"The Toxicity of Recreational Drugs" by Robert S. Gable explains: for any given drug, there's a dose that's usually lethal, and there's a dose that usually produces a high. How different these doses are, i.e., …
So maybe hours of D&D + an hour of Battlestar Galactica + a conversation with my mother (though that was pretty nice) give me bad dreams. Hoo boy, that was dystopian. I also blame "When …
Last night Leonard and I played with Alice, a fun learning-to-program package that lets one play with 3D objects. And he and I wrote a small interactive fiction game using Inform 7. It's called "Brrrasaurus!" …
My column this week: in search of lost time. "Here." She passed me a bottle of water and a tiny envelope with a pill or two inside. I'd never taken a sedative before, unless you …
Tonight's D&D game Tonight's Battlestar Galactica party at my place a list of women who are indisputably exerting tech leadership John Darnielle, specifically, "Thirty Short Poems About My Favorite Black Metal Band" (I also like …
Compare "Every class period, I will tell you a lie" to "Cattywumpus". The former I don't mind nearly so much. This brings up nagging ethics debates I've had recently with disagreeable people and new friends, …
OK, a few NYT links and then a commentary. Paris and relationships, anorexia and struggle, and Michael Lewis's classic "The Satellite Subversives". Oh, and I'll also throw in Adam K.'s Clifford Pickover parody for no …
Classes have started at Columbia. I'm taking a class in emerging technologies with Jack McGourty, a dean at the school of engineering. I foretell no boredom. My team is starting to think about a failed …
Established doctors' offices face new competition from quick clinics at drugstores & big-box stores that dispense flu shots, etc. Unlike the RIAA, physicians don't try to legislate new competition out of existence, but argue on …
This week: classes at Columbia start, but I'm still hitting the Bluestockings reading on Tuesday of She's Such a Geek: Women Write About Science, Technology, and Other Nerdy Stuff and the Thursday opening of Mike …