Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Yesterday I took the day off from work to help Leonard get his Indian visa at the Indian consulate. (Later this year he's coming with me to see my parents in India, just before our …
I used to work at Salon, which means that I got to meet a lot of writers and editors. I had lunch with Cary Tennis a few times, hung out fairly regularly with Page Rockwell …
"I think that's how you get stronger, is working through the pain." "Not if you die!" "You might fall over, yeah. But that's just ... heightening the contradictions. It's a Leninist model of personal fitness."
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Jordan + Danny doesn't make sense. A strong, competent, funny woman is going to fall for the plainly incompetent unimaginative junkie stalker? Somehow it's okay for the senior black …
Every year I try not to pay attention to Valentine's Day or the Academy Awards, and every year I catch them out of the corner of an eye. They're manufactured fusses, and the more secure …
UC Berkeley and Stanford have a rivalry. It took me a few years to grok their friendly rivalry, just as it was amazing the first time I played Jeopardy! with my husband and enjoyed it …
"Lovecraft once wrote a short story called 'At the Mountains of Madness.'" "I cross those every day!" "Yeah, we've built a highway through those mountains."
Watched The Queen (very good) just before watching Children of Men (oh my word what an excellent thing). Any parallels other than the death of Princess Diana?
I've lost a few pounds recently, with no change in my exercise habits, following Michael Pollan's recent advice in the New York Times summing up his recent book The Omnivore's Dilemma. "Eat food. Not too …
Just got off the column for this Sunday. Something I had to leave out: Mike Daisey wrote about his time at Amazon in his book 21 Dog Years (based on his monologue) and talked about …