Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Yesterday Jacob and I joked about mild-mannered acts of rebellion and destructiveness. Examples: staying out past your curfew to play Dance Dance Revolution, only giving your cats the medication they need once a day instead …
My recent columns: nutty inventions and October memories. Neither sucks, I believe, but they're both listy. And the latter borrows from some old blog entries. As you may have noticed, the Open Computing Facility's web …
We got a test entry here. I'm beginning to post interesting links on Leonard's feed so you can check that out.
Judo, writing, and Carnegie Hall. There is this thing called kindness, and it includes not eating a Snickers bar in front of a hungry person, and it includes not bragging about your skills in front …
Thanksgiving with the family, rulebreaking reduction, aspects of your personality.
If you're remotely logged in to another computer, use colors or wallpapers to remind you of that.
From Henry Chesbrough's Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology (Harvard Business School Press, 2006): The term business model is often used, but not often clearly defined. My colleague Richard Rosenbloom …
Are these the lessons of Auschwitz? What else must I be sure to recognize? Our moral hearts, like our physical ones, are weak and prone to disease. If we acknowledge this and determine to exercise …