Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
My acquaintance Aaron Swartz is visiting NYC this weekend and staying with me & Leonard. We'd never quite gotten around to seeing each other after Leonard and I moved to the East Coast, so now …
Since the family finds it useful: my wishlist. Sometime I'll update the music portion of that list. Beirut and Belle & Sebastian should be on there. And I may end up buying everything Jonathan Coulton …
Seth Schoen's been placed on a jury. Man, Seth would be the best juror ever. I worry a tiny bit that he'll have a Matthew Baldwin experience ("reading an entire book on the scientific method …
Avoiding Projects Pursued By Morons 101: There is much made by people who long for the days of their fourth form debating society about the fallacy of "argumentum ad hominem". There is, as I have …
If I time it right, I can force thepAvedearth to play song after song by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.
The business-y reports we have to write for my Corporate Finance class got to me when I was rereading P. Larkin's "This Be The Verse". The first two lines are "Executive Summary," the second half …
Why I was wrong when I jested about diabetes a couple of weeks ago. You see, obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, but just Type II, the type where your body starts resisting insulin. …
Alexandra Starr's NYT article today called to my attention the race for the House seat in Washington's Eighth District. Darcy Burner is the Democratic challenger. Some interesting facts about Burner: She was adopted. As she …
A US woman has the last name as a pretty durn famous US theologian, and has never heard of him.
I got acquainted with Stuart Sierra via the NY Tech Meetup and/or Lisp NYC, both of which I can't attend these days because I have class on Tuesday nights. Anyway, he's the coder behind Project …