Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Brendan, you deserve to know that I had notes for questions to ask in that conversation with Abu-Jaber. Yes, notes. And included among them was the note "jalapeno-cheddar bagel," as borrowed from a Heather Gold …
Rachel C broke it to me: Fox renewed AD! The thought of losing Arrested Development and Star Trek hit me harder than I'd expected. I'm so glad AD is coming back!
If you'd like to link to my columns, you can link to link to this page, which links to the two most recent articles.
I interviewed Diana Abu-Jaber for Saucy Magazine. She said funny and interesting things and you'd probably enjoy it.
Will Franken won a "Best Comedian" award from the SF Weekly. Those of us who were fans several months ago get to nod in snobbish pride, while those of you who have foolishly prolonged the …
I finished What You Should Know. The best story in the collection, which mulls Nancy Reagan's day-to-day life caring for Ronald Reagan during his decline, made me weep. Like A.M. Homes's compelling New Yorker article …
My column this week has a bunch of Emerson. Emerson, in my view, backed up my function-over-form lifestyle. I hated to fuss while getting ready in the morning. Why in the world did women waste …
Leonard used the word "opportunistic" and I immediately thought "infection."
Things You Should Know by A.M. Homes is very, very depressing. So far, every story I've read has felt like a parody of the "nothing happens" New Yorker style of modern fiction. I now completely …
I haven't been reading enough history. Brad DeLong reminds me why I love history - the whys!