Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
I salvaged some mannequin parts when the Old Navy downtown was tossing them. I assume they came from Old Navy because the buttocks of the mannequin legs carry an Old Navy stamp. They're going to …
Like Riana, I have visited an Alton Brown speaking engagement on his current tour. I wish it had been more fun. I did find out that he only found out what he wanted to do …
Abolition of slavery. If you're against this, I kind of want to know why. Anyway, Salon features a great interview about abolition with a historian who's married to Arlie Hochschild.
Paul Graham's new essay speaks directly to me! The only real difference between adults and high school kids is that adults realize they need to get things done, and high school kids don't. That realization …
Will Franken's diary was on fire a while back - check out A RESPONSE TO H.L. MENCKEN'S INQUIRY: "WHY DID I DECIDE TO GO INTO COMEDY?" despite the Comic Sans typeface. Once I started to …
I hadn't considered these ethical questions in sign-language whistleblowing. Also, laugh-out-loud Lockhorns criticism.
"Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake" always makes me cry. Things That Don't Exist. The video is also cool.
Somehow in my school library in elementary school I ran across a book arguing for drug decriminalization. The topic still consarns me. Some arguments for and against.
The Egg/Cookie show went great last night. By the way, the staff at the Hotel Rex are fantastically helpful and the bar/lounge and restaurant within the hotel serve extremely good product. Y'all should come on …