Cranky Ebert and hopelessly overmatched counterpoint.
Among the jobs the Career Center lists: "Extreme Sports Athlete." Funny sign at Ned's Bookstore: "We have the MOST USED BOOKS!"
It shouldn't surprise me that Benoit's list of things he misses about France parallels the lists various tripmates of mine made, in Russia, of things we missed about the USA.
Much pleasantness today. Zack and Shweta and I had a lunch at The Musical Offering on Bancroft, which is a spot-your-professor-or-TA arena as much as anything else. I watched Chutney Popcorn, a film that resembles …
In more-excited-than-I-should-be news, American Chai opens tomorrow at the United Artists cinema in Berkeley. I may see it myself, alone, tomorrow morning.
"Pope not seeking reelection." It's some guy named Pope, in Texas, in some irrelevant headline, but still. Also: if the federal government wants to assemble a Super Squad to fight terrorism, it should call up …
I'm actually glad that nobody I know showed up to watch my music class's final concert. My goodness, that wasn't very good! Tonight: Muppets. No, probably just TV with Leonard.
Off now to practice for the concert at 2:45 in 125 Morrison! Free to all!
Compare Adam's views on aaahht to Leonard's summary of "Songs With Inappropriate Minimalistic Accompaniments, Part 1: Love Potion #9". Evidently Leonard's been a reader of Adam's diary since that diary began two years ago! I …