Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Upcoming Talks in March and April
I'm planning to deliver four talks or sessions in the next several weeks.
MozFest 2021 (online, has already begun): one session tomorrow and one day after tomorrow! "How To Get A Project Unstuck" (discussion, 2021-03-09 21:15 CET/3:15pm EST), and "Apply for Grants To Fund Open Source Work" (skillshare, 2021-03-10 21:15 CET/3:15 PM EST).
GitHub OCTO Speaker Series (online): "What Would Open Source Look Like If It Were Healthy?", March 30, 2021, 1:30 PM EDT. This (ridiculously ambitious?) talk will be streamed live on Twitch.
When I think about open source sustainability, I think about money, sure. But I also think about what configurations of funding would be more likely to keep legacy infrastructure ticking along AND provide R&D opportunities for innovators; what tooling we need; how a stronger ecology of consultancies would change the interactions among volunteers, companies, and other institutions; etc. I'll discuss what I've learned about healthy maintainership, and what a healthier future would look like for the open source industry.
And: RailsConf 2021 (online, April 13-15): "How to Get a Project Unstuck," a talk.
I've updated my increasingly unwieldy talks page accordingly. (Redesign coming in a few months, to that plus the rest of this site.)
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