Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Sometime in early 2010, I jotted down a few notes that I meant to blog at the time; I've now expanded them into the following entry. I was in between jobs; I think it was …
Last night one of my Hacker School peers was practicing sleight-of-hand with a card deck, and another peer walked over and said, "Oh, I used to run a magic tricks website." I waited with bated …
I know some Russian, some French, and some Kannada, and every once in a while, my vocabulary fractures and I say a word from some other language. "Nodu" is Kannada for "look" (imperative second-person), and …
Today I led an intermediate Git workshop at Hacker School, with occasional help from more experienced Git users. We covered: cherry-picking versus merging a commit from one branch to another git blame [filename] to see …
I saw a theatrical showing of an Indian movie the other day. I noticed that the filmmakers had censored a few words and phrases. Most confusingly, when one character (an Indian lawyer in 2012) hyperbolically …
Found in an email I sent a few years ago: "I'm freaking 30 now, so I have decided to be Mature, stop feeling bad that I don't learn stuff well on my own, and take …
What are you making? And what are you metamaking? That is, what are you doing to, directly or indirectly, help other people create good things? I keep thinking about Growstuff, my friend Alex "Skud" Bayley's …
I read Malcolm X's autobiography at about twelve and Lee Iacocca's autobiography at around eight. (You know how it is with childhood; you read what's around you.) This past weekend I dipped back into the …
Data & Society (which I persist in thinking of as "that New York City think tank that danah boyd is in" in case you want a glimpse of the social graph inside my head) has …
Back when I worked at the Wikimedia Foundation, I used the Ada Initiative's anti-harassment policy as a template and turned it into the Friendly Space Policy covering tech events run by WMF. I offer you …