Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
My old job is passing away.Starting July 10, no Cody's patron will drift toward the cookbooks in the middle of the afternoon, when the smells of baking from Bay King next door make him hungry. …
I asked, in our incredibly hot apartment, "Why are only some of your [shirt] buttons buttoned?" Response: "Oh, I take life as it comes."
I do not have an army of rights and permissions lawyers. I didn't when I was devising a curriculum and teaching a class, and I don't now that I'm writing a column. I bet lots …
In which I quote Loving v. Virginia and list off marriage perks. I'm lucky. Narrowly speaking, I'm lucky because New York's waiting period is short; New Hampshire makes you wait three days. More broadly, I'm …
Now that The West Wing, Enterprise, and the best seasons of Good Eats have finished, and House has gone on summer hiatus, what shall Leonard and I watch? He doesn't care for The Daily Show …
"What is more dangerous: fear or arrogance?" Answer: They both suck. What you prefer: a poke in the left or the right eye? If you prefer, I'll take arrogance, at least arrogant people have the …
Temperatures this weekend will hit the mid-eighties. Makes me want to carry an ice-water bath around town with me.
The most permissive laws ever are not good enough for the Bush Administration. To boil it down mathematically, if you had an arrangement by which you could f*** other women, then three days later tell …
Leonard is back! The era of buying airplane tickets two days in advance is (I hope) over! Last night I saw Dara and her friend Amina, and we stayed up too late talking; now my …
"[W]e also want our creations to be out of control....We want pride, but more than that, we want astonishment." "The lie of everlasting novelty: a different take on the case against porn." Kameron Hurley almost …