Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
Last night I realized one reason that Professor Reginald Zelnik completely impresses me. He gives every lecture without notes. If he has some text to quote verbatim, or tests or handouts to distribute, then he …
I will not find out until Thursday my status with regard to the columnist position. Anticipation, bleah.
Tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, but not quite till the last syllable of recorded time, my Russian class will take tests. So, celebrating the last real day of Russian class, my instructor …
Last night, for the first time in months, I dreamt a particular sort of dream: I spoke to someone, realized that they didn't understand me, and had to switch to my stumbling Russian. This reminds …
I recorded my rendition of Krasnaya Shapochka (Little Red Riding Hood) this morning. If you knew me, you'd predict that I would use silly voices. But I didn't, really. Jeff and Sean, on the other …
Yesterday, Professor Filippenko showed a slide detailing possible splittings-off of forces (electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravity) during the earliest moments of the Big Bang. The complete lack of scale cracked me up. At the …
I just keep listening to "Michigan Militia" by Moxy Früvous on the You Will Go to the Moon album. I like the lyrics, I like the melody, I like the faux country-and-western/hip-hop sensibility. I like …
Another thing that hasn't happened in a while: feeling my heart speed up and my breath shorten as I go to But the list of columnists for next semester will appear in Thursday's issue …
Last night was the first time in quite a while that I got an email from Dan. Funny how larger events percolate down to our daily lives. Excite/AT&T@Home stopped service, so Dan started using his …
When I see the headline "Rent Music Over Net," I think of my freshman year of college, when my roommate Michal played the Rent soundtrack over and over and over. Streaming audio is exactly …